10 Tricks To Stay Fit Without Exercise

Physical activity or exercise is important for everyone to remain healthy. But can we stay fit without doing exercise? Yes, it is quite possible that we can stay fit without exercise. And the good thing is that all the methods of fitness are in our daily routine if you don’t find the time to hit the gym.

So what you have to do when you want to maintain your fitness level with a busy working schedule? Here are the tips to make it possible –

Wake Up Early

morning exercise

If you are not a morning person, become one now. Wake up 30 minutes earlier than your regular time and go for a run, do rope skipping, do yoga, or whatever you want to do for fitness.

Morning exercise not only helps you to stay fit physically and mentally throughout the day but, also improves the length and quality of your sleep at night. Be a healthy morning person and plan your every minute of the day.

Kitchen Workout

kitchen exercise

Another interesting way to burn calories is in the kitchen while you are cooking or doing other chores at home. You can do countertop push-ups while making tea or something, calf lifts, when you are picking some utensils from cabinets, and wall squats while baking.

Do you know that every minute you can burn 3 calories while working in the kitchen? So next time burn your calories, not food 😊.

Do House Chores

workout at home

It’s time to turn on music and get the fit body while cleaning your house, cleaning the car, shopping for groceries, etc. Housework is a wonderful way to burn extra calories. While vacuuming and mopping floors can improve your overall flexibility.

As an estimate, you can burn 200 calories per hour while doing house chores. Before starting work, warm up your body a little bit and this can be done by running up and down the stairs or jumping squats. Make sure, don’t lift heavy items together because you can hurt yourself.

Avoid Junk

junk food

Say strictly NO to junk food.  The simple way to reduce calorie intake is by quitting junk food like chips, cheesy foods, sugary soda, and processed food. Cook for yourself healthy and nutritional food.

Eat smaller meals throughout the day instead of eating 3 big meals. Eat a colorful diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. So go for fresh shopping and replace your junk with essential nutrients to get in shape.

Take Stairs

fitness stairs

You would be surprised to see how climbing stairs helps you not only to stay fit but also reduces your weight.  Climbing stairs is a great form of cardio exercise. This activity strengthens your joints, muscles. You know stair climbing is recommended by doctors and health authorities worldwide for a healthy heart.

Studies show that 7 minutes of stair climbing in a day can halve the risk of a heart attack. This little change helps you to stay fit without going to the gym. Skip the elevator, use stairs at stations, office, shopping malls, and home.

Reduce Sitting Time

avoid sitting

We have to spend hours sitting at the desk while working in the office. Get up, walk around, and do a few stretches. Yes, avoid sitting for a long time and after every hour get up and take a little walk.

Sitting in the same position can lead to many diseases like backbone problems, heart problems, and digestion problems. So if possible please don’t sit for more than an hour.

Walking Workout


A walk of just 30 minutes in a day can help you away from a lot of health issues like excess body fat, high cholesterol, stiffness in joints, diabetes, week bones, etc. Walking is a very good physical activity for obese and older people who can’t go to the gym.

If you can’t find a special time in a day for walking then there are other ways. If you are using public transport for office then get off one or two stops early and walk the rest of the way. Here are many ways by which you can add more steps in your day. Walk, while making phone calls, walk with your pet, park your car at distance, meet your friends for walk workout.

Drink More Water

Water is our lifeline and we should drink a minimum of 3 liters of water in a day. There are endless health benefits of drinking water throughout the day. It keeps your skin healthy, prevents constipation, flushes toxins, keeps kidneys working, and helps with fast weight loss.

Avoid drinking sugary sodas and packed juices. Replace them with interesting detox infused water options. Even if you are sick, drinking lots of water will give you benefits in sickness.

 Play Games

games family

Play games…no, not video games, play some physical games. Play with your children, partner, friends, or pet. Outdoor playing activities are not just important for kids, it is also a good source of staying active for adults. Playing games can positively influence your mental and physical health and also your productivity at work.

Not only that, but physical sports also reduce your stress and elevate your mood especially when you have a stressful day at work or home. So be playful and engage yourself in some sports for being fit without exercise.

Hit The Dance Floor

fit with dance

Dancing is a joyful way to maintain the slim trim shaped body. Regular dancing not only keeps your mind and body active, but also strengthens your bones, controls blood pressure, and reduces extra calories. Now you will say that you do not know how to dance. This is just an excuse.

Turn on the music of your choice and start banging on it or organize a dance party with your family and friends. There is no better fun way to stay fit without exercise.

See how easy it is to stay fit without exercising. Going to the gym and exercising can’t always be possible. Just apply these fitness hacks and change your boring and unhealthy lifestyle into your fun and fit lifestyle.

Love Yourself ❤️

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