Why You Feel Tired And Sleepy All The Time?

By - Rajvir K

OCT 9, 2023

Feeling tired and sleepy all the time can be caused by many factors, including lifestyle factors and medical conditions. Here are some reasons:

One of the most obvious causes of fatigue is not getting enough sleep. Generally adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night to function at their best.

Lack Of Sleep

Too much stress or constant stress can cause mental fatigue and leave you feeling tired throughout the day.

Stress And Anxiety

Depression often causes fatigue and other symptoms such as sadness and lack of interest in activities.


Certain medical conditions, such as anemia, thyroid disorders, diabetes, and chronic fatigue syndrome, can cause ongoing fatigue.

Medical Conditions

A diet lacking essential nutrients can cause energy fluctuations and daytime sleepiness.

Poor Diet

Not drinking enough water can result in low energy levels and fatigue.


Consuming too much caffeine or alcohol, especially before bed, can disrupt your sleep and make you feel tired.

Caffeine And Alcohol

Some medications can cause fatigue as a side effect. If you think this is happening, talk to your doctor.


Irregular sleep patterns, long work hours, excessive screen time, and not taking breaks can contribute to feeling tired.

Lifestyle Factors

Deficiency of essential vitamins such as vitamin D or B12 can cause fatigue and decreased energy.

Vitamin Deficiency

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