Inspirational Quotes For Healthy Eating

By - Rajvir K

“To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”  – Buddha

“By choosing healthy over skinny you are choosing self-love over self-judgment.”  Steve Maraboli

“If you keep good food in your fridge, you will eat good food.”  – Errick McAdams

“Health is a relationship between you and your body.”  – Terri Guillemets

“Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments.”  – Bethenny Frankel

“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.”  – Adelle Davis

“The greatest wealth is Health.”  –  Virgil

“Processed foods not only extend the shelf life, but they extend the waistline as well.”  – Karen Sessions

“A healthy outside starts from the inside.”  – Robert Urich

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”  Lao Tzu

“You don’t have to eat less, you just have to eat right.”  – Unknown

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”  – Proverb

“Drinking water is essential to a healthy lifestyle.”  – Stephen Curry

Reading these motivational healthy eating quotes can help you to get inspired to make healthier choices.  Thanks For Reading!