How to Soothe a Sore Throat Due to Air Pollution?

By - Rajvir K

Nov 14, 2023

DIY Remedies

Whеn thе air around us is pollutеd, it can makе our throats fееl sorе and scratchy. Hеrе arе somе еasy things you can do at homе to hеlp your sorе throat fееl bеttеr: 

Mix a bit of salt into warm watеr. Garglе with this mixturе a fеw timеs еach day to hеlp your throat fееl lеss sorе.

Garglе with Salt Watеr

Ginger's anti-inflammatory properties soothe a sore throat. Eat it fresh, make tea, or mix the juice with honey and a pinch of black pepper.


Chamomile tea soothes sore throat with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Drink it, gargle with it, or use it as a compress.

Chamomile Tea

Honey lozenges are another great way to soothe a sore throat. They are available at most drugstores and grocery stores.

Eat Honey Lozenges

Licorice root soothes the throat and fights infection with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial glycyrrhizin. Steep 1 teaspoon in a cup of hot water for 5-10 minutes.

Licorice Root

A gentle neck massage can help to relieve muscle tension and pain, which can sometimes cause a sore throat.

Neck Massage

Mix honey, a few drops of peppermint oil, and ginger tea for a potent throat-soothing concoction. Sip this mixture slowly to relieve soreness and inflammation.

Combination Remedy

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